Questions for Chapter 2

Here are some questions about the topics in Chapter 2. If you know the answer to a question, great! Click reveal answer to see if you're right. If you don't, have a look back at Chapter 2 to see if you can work out the answer, before you reveal it.

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What is a virtual image?

A virtual image is an image that is created by divergent light. It is where the light seems to diverge from, even though it does not really diverge from there.

What does a negative lens do?

It diverges the light passing through it. This usually creates a virtual image.

Can a positive lens create a virtual image?

Yes. When the divergence of the light \( V_{in} \) hitting it is more negative than the power \( F \) of the lens. For example, if an object is placed \( -0.2\text{m} \) from a \( +2\text{D} \) lens, then \( V_{in}=1/(-0.2)=-5 \), and so \( V_{out}=-5+2=-3\text{D} \). This divergent light will create a virtual image at a distance of \( 1/(-3)=-0.333\text{m} \)from the lens.

Convergence and Divergence.

If an object moves closer to a negative lens, what happens to the image?

The image also moves closer to the lens. There are a few ways of justifying this:

  1. The virtual image from a negative lens is always closer than the object, so when the object moves closer, so must the image.
  2. The reason for (1) is because a closer image produces more divergent light, so even more divergent light than that will leave the negative lens, and so this brings the image closer to the lens.

Is it possible for convergent light to leave a negative (diverging) lens?

Yes it is possible, although unusual.

If \( V_{in} \) is positive and greater than the lens power, then \( V_{out} \) will also be positive (converging). For example, if \( V_{in}=+5\text{D} \) and \( F=-3\text{D} \), then \( V_{out}=+2\text{D} \). To get a positive value for \( V_{in} \), however, you'd have to create it with a converging lens.


What are the differences between the virtual image created by a negative lens and that created by a positive lens?

What are some of the differences between a virtual image and a real image?

[advanced] It's easy enough to find the position of a real image - you just move a screen until you see the sharp image in it. How can you find the position of a virtual image?

You need to use an additional positive lens. If we have an object to the left of a negative lens, the lens will produce divergent light. If we then put a positive lens (with known power) to the right of the negative lens, the divergent light leaving the negative lens hits the positive lens and, if we've placed the positive lens correctly, will be converged to form a real image, as in the picture below:

An arrangement that lets you work out the position of a virtual image.

We can work out \( V_{in} \) for the positive lens using the thin lens equation, because we know its power \( F \) and we can measure the image distrance to work out \( V_{out} \).

The object distance \( 1/V_{in} \) is the distance from the positive lens to the virtual image, since that is where the light appears to be diverging from. If we measure the gap between the two lenses, we can work out how far the virtual image is from the negative lens, which is \( 1/V_{out}+(\text{gap length}) \), where the gap length is positive.

Focal Points.

Which side of the lens the image focal point of a negative lens?

It is on the same side as the light entering the lens. If the light is coming from the left, the image focal point is on the left side of the lens.

Is the object focal point of a negative lens to the left or right of the lens?

It depends on which direction the parallel light is travelling. If travelling from left to right, the object focal point is to the right of the lens. If the light is travelling from right to theft, then the definition of the object focal point puts it on the left side of the lens.

So the position of the focal points is contingent on the direction of the light. Luckily, for thin lenses, the focal lengths are always the same even if the names of the focal points change.

What is the shortest possible distance from negative lens to virtual image?


The virtual image is always closer than the object, and the object can be placed a distance of zero metres from the lens, so in this case the virtual image is also zero metres away.

Image Calculations.

An object is placed \( 0.4\text{m} \) to the left of a \( -4\text{D} \) lens. Where does the image form?

The vergence entering the lens \( V_{in} \) is \( 1/(-0.4)=-2.5\text{D} \). From the thin lens equation,

\[V_{out}=V_{in}+F =-2.5-4 = -6.5\text{D}\]

The image distance is then \( 1/V_{out}=1/(-6.5) = -0.154\text{m} \) (rounded to 3 decimal places). This is to the left of the lens. It is virtual because it is created by divergent light

An object is placed \( 20\text{cm} \) to the left of a \( +3\text{D} \) lens. Where does the image form?

All distances must be in metres, so \( 20\text{cm} \) is \( 0.2\text{m} \). The vergence entering the lens \( V_{in} \) is \( 1/(-0.2)=-5\text{D} \). The thin lens equation says

\[V_{out}=V_{in}+F =-5+3 = -2\text{D}\]

The image distance is then \( 1/V_{out}=1/(-2) = -0.5\text{m} \) (rounded to 3 decimal places). This is to the left of the lens.

An object is placed \( 90\text{cm} \) to the right of a \( -5\text{D} \) lens. Where does the image form?

In this case, the light is travelling from right (the object) to left (the lens), so rightwardsis the positive direction. This means that the distance from lens to the image on the right is negative.

All distances must be in metres, so \( 90\text{cm} \) is \( 0.9\text{m} \). The vergence entering the lens \( V_{in} \) is \( 1/(-0.9)=-1.111\text{D} \). From the thin lens equation,

\[V_{out}=V_{in}+F =-1.111-53 = -6.111\text{D}\]

The image distance is then \( 1/V_{out}=1/(-6.111) = -0.163\text{m} \) (rounded to 3 decimal places). This is to the right of the lens, and is a virtual image.

Object Calculations.

An image forms \( 0.75\text{m} \) to the left of a \( -2\text{D} \) lens. The object is also to the left. Where is the object?

The vergence leaving the lens \( V_{out} \) is \( 1/(-0.75)=-1.333\text{D} \). The thin lens equation says

\[V_{in}+F = V_{out}\]

Filling in what we know, we have \( V_{in}-2=-1.333\text{D} \) , so
\( V_{in}=-1.333+2 = -0.666\text{D} \) . The object distance is then
\( 1/V_{in}=1/-0.666 = -1.5\text{m} \) . This is to the left of the lens.

An image forms \( 0.25\text{m} \) from a \( +3\text{D} \) lens. How far away from the lens is the object?

We don't know whether the image is to the left or right of the lens, nor whether it is virtual or real. So we have to try out the various possibilities.

Power calculations.

An object is placed \( 450\text{mm} \) to the left of a lens, and a virtual image forms \( 20\text{cm} \) to the left of the lens. What is the power of the lens?

The object distance is \( -0.45\text{m} \) and the image distance is \( -0.2\text{m} \). The thin lens equation says


Filling in what we know, \( 1/(-0.45)+F = 1/(-0.2) \) , so
\( F=1/(-0.2) - 1/(-0.45) = -7.22\text{D} \).

An object is placed \( 300\text{mm} \) to the left of a lens, and a virtual image forms 0.4m to the left of the lens. What is the power of the lens?

The object distance is \( -0.3\text{m} \) and the image distance is \( -0.4\text{m} \). The thin lens equation says


Filling in what we know, \( 1/(-0.3)+F = 1/(-0.4) \), so
\( F=1/(-0.4) - 1/(-0.3) = +0.83\text{D} \).

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