Chapter 2

Negative Lenses and Virtual Images

The lenses discussed in Chapter 1 added convergence to the light passing through them. Not all lenses are like that, however. Some lenses add divergence to the light that passes through them. These lenses have negative power, since divergence is negative. The light leaving a negative powered lens is thus even more divergent than the light entering it (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. A negative lens adds divergence to the light passing through it. The rays leaving this negative lens are diverging more than the rays entering the lens. (A diverging lens is drawn as a double-headed arrow, with the arrowheads pointing inwards. A positive lens has the arrows pointing outwards.)

In this figure a point object is placed \( 0.5\text{m} \) to the left of a negative lens with power \( -4\text{D} \) . The distance marked as \( 0.167 \) is discussed in the text.

Negative lenses still obey the thin lens equation. For example, suppose there is an object \( 0.5\text{m} \) to the left of a negative lens, as in Figure 1. In Figure 1, the lens has a negative power of, say, \( F=-4{\text{D}} \). Putting these values into the thin lens equation gives

\[V_{out} = V_{in}+F=1/(-0.5)+(-4) = - 6{\text{D}} \]

Since \( V_{out} \) is negative, the light leaving this lens is diverging, and it is diverging more than the incoming light \( V_{in} \). The distance from the lens to the image is given by

\[\text{distance from lens to the image} = \frac{1}{V_{out}}\]

Since \( V_{out}=-6\text{D} \) in this example, the image should be \( 1/V_{out}=1/(-6)=-0.167\text{m} \) from the lens. This is a negative distance, so the image should be to the left of the lens (because the light in the figure travels from left to right). However, if we look at what is \( 0.167\text{m} \) to the left of the lens in Figure 1, there is absolutely nothing there.

The "Images" made by Divergent Light

In Chapter 1, images were created by convergent light coming to a point. However, negative lenses typically create divergent light. Another thing that creates divergent light are objects, as we saw in Chapter 1. That suggests a similarity between the divergent light leaving a negative lens and the divergent light coming from an object.

Suppose, as in Figure 2, we see some divergent light, but where it is coming from is hidden. Is the divergent light from a negative lens (as in Figure 1) or is it from an object? Try your luck!

Figure 2. Divergent light comes from behind a curtain, but what causes it? It could either be an object, or it could be divergent light from a negative lens. Click the button to make your choice and see if you are correct.

Of course, the game is rigged. The point is, without peeking behind the curtain you can't tell whether the divergent light comes from an object or from a negative lens, and that's what makes the game easy to rig - the computer just draws in the opposite of what you chose before it raises the curtain, and the divergent light doesn't change.

If we can't distinguish these two cases without looking behind the screen, then they are equivalent: that is, the divergent light leaving the negative lens is completely indistinguishable from divergent light leaving an object, even though the causes of the divergent light are quite different.

When the image distance \( 1/V_{out} \) is negative, it isn't where an image actually is; it's where you could put an object to get exactly the same amount of divergent light. In other words, it is where the divergent light leaving the lens seems to be coming from.

This is shown in Figure 3. Just like Figure 1, an object has been placed \( 0.5\text{m} \) from the lens, and divergent light leaves the lens. Some yellow dashed lines have been added, which trace the divergent rays backwards to where they all seem to be coming from.

The fact that this is just like an object can be seen if you click the button marked "Switch". Then, the lens is removed (it remains as a ghost, so you can see where it used to be) and replaced with an object, at just the right place to create the same divergent light. So this object is optically equivalent to the light leaving the negative lens.

Figure 3. An object is \( -0.5\text{m} \) from a negative lens, and \( 1/V_{out}=-0.167\text{m} \) to the left of the lens. Dashed lines have been added to follow back the divergent rays leaving the lens until they meet at a point.

You can drag the object to different distances, and \( 1/V_{out} \) is recalculated according to the thin lens equation and marked on the arrow at the bottom.

If you click the button marked "Switch", the picture switches to divergent light coming from an object. Note that nothing changes to the right hand side of where the lens was (which is shown as a faded symbol), so demonstrating again that a virtual image acts more like an object than anything else.

The point where the divergent light leaving the lens seems to come from is called a virtual image. This is a misleading name, but unfortunately it is standard. The reason it is called a virtual image is because the point where the light seems to diverge from is calculated from \( 1/V_{out} \), which usually tells us where the image is. The word virtual indicates that the image doesn't really exist, unlike the images from positive lenses in Chapter 1 (which are called real images).

Although a virtual image doesn't actually exist you can still see it. The virtual image is caused by diverging light leaving the lens, exactly the same as diverging light from a real object, so we can see the virtual image in the same way as we can see any real object. A photograph of a virtual image is shown in Figure 4. The virtual image created by a negative lens is always smaller than the object. Also, from Figure 3, the virtual image is always closer than the object.

figure 4
Figure 4. The image shows what you would see when you looked through a negative lens. Inside the lens, you can see smaller letters. These smaller letters are the virtual images of the actual letters.


This example shows how to use the thin lens equation to work out the position of the virtual image formed by a negative lens. An object is placed 150cm to the left of a negative lens with power \( -7{\text{D}} \). Where does the (virtual) image form?



The Focal Length of a Negative Lens.

In Chapter 1, the focal length of a lens was defined as the distance from the lens to the image when parallel light ( \( V_{in}=0 \)) enters the lens. Exactly the same definition can be used with negative lenses, except the focal length will be the distance from the lens to the virtual image. When parallel light with vergence \( V_{in} = 0 \) hits a negative lens with (negative) power 1 \( F \), the vergence of the light leaving the lens \( V_{out} \) is negative. This situation is shown in Figure 5. The vergence of the light leaving the lens is \( V_{out} = F \), as before.

Figure 5a. When the object is very far away, rays of light entering the lens are parallel, with a vergence \( V_{in} \) equal to zero. Divergent light leaves the negative lens. The dashed lines continue the divergent rays back to where they meet at the virtual image, coloured in yellow. The distance to the (virtual) image when \( V_{in}=0 \) is the Focal Length \( f \). This lens has a power of \( F=-1\text{D} \), so the focal length is \( f=1/F=-1\text{m} \)
Figure 5b. This lens has a power of \( F=-2\text{D} \), so the focal length is \( f=1/F=-0.5\text{m} \)
Figure 5c. This lens has a power of \( F=-3\text{D} \), so the focal length is \( f=1/F=-0.333\text{m} \)
Figure 5d. This lens has a power of \( F=-4\text{D} \), so the focal length is \( f=1/F=-0.25\text{m} \)

The diverging light \( V_{out} \) leaving the lens seems to be coming from a point which is \( 1/V_{out} \) metres away from the lens (the virtual image). Since \( F=V_{out} \) when \( V_{in}=0 \) , the distance to the virtual image is \( 1/F \), which is the focal length \( f \), which is negative. This is the image focal length .

The object focal length is the distance from lens to object when parallel light leaves the lens; that is, when \( V_{out}=0 \). That means that \( V_{in} + F = 0 \), or \( V_{in} = -F \). Since the value of \( F \) is negative 2, the value of \( -F \) is positive, and so the incoming vergence \( V_{in} \) must be positive. That is, we need to send converging light into a negative lens to make parallel light leave it. This is shown in Figure 6. If you needed to, you could create convergent light by using a positive lens.

The incoming light, with vergence \( V_{in} \), would have converged to a point at a distance of \( 1/V_{in} \) metres to the right of the lens, if the negative lens was not there. The point where the light would have converged to is the object focal point of the negative lens.

Figure 6a. When the object is placed so that light leaving the lens is in parallel, the distance to the object is another focal length. However, no real object can produce parallel light from a negative lens. Instead, we must send converging light into a negative lens to yield parallel light. The place that the light would converge to if not changed by the lens is the object focal point. This focal point is marked as a yellow dot, and the focal length is given in yellow. Dashed yellow lines show that the incoming rays would converge on the focal point, if the lens were not there. This lens has a power of \( F=-4\text{D} \), so the focal length is \( f=-1/F=-0.25\text{m} \)
Figure 6b. This lens has a power of \( F=-3\text{D} \), so the focal length is \( f=-1/F=-0.333\text{m} \)
Figure 6c. This lens has a power of \( F=-2\text{D} \), so the focal length is \( f=-1/F=-0.5\text{m} \)
Figure 6d. This lens has a power of \( F=-1\text{D} \), so the focal length is \( f=-1/F=-1\text{m} \)

Positive Lenses Can Also Form Virtual Images.

It's easy to get the idea that positive lenses always create converging light and negative lenses always create diverging light, but that's a massive oversimplification: it is quite easy to create diverging light with a positive lens. This can be seen in Figure 7. When the object is \( 1\text{m} \) from the lens, convergent light leaves the lens. If you grab the object and move it closer, however, at some point the light leaving the lens becomes divergent. (When that happens, yellow dashed lines are added to show where the light leaving the lens seems to diverge from).

What is going on here? As you move the object closer to the lens, the divergence of the light hitting the lens increases. At some point, it is more divergent than the lens power, and then the lens is no longer able to converge the light completely. The lens still converges the light, just not enough.


Suppose an object is put \( 0.125{\text{m}} \) to the left of a \( +5{\text{D}} \) lens:

The image is formed from divergent light, and so is virtual.

Figure 7. In this diagram, a point object is placed \( 1 \text{m} \) from a lens with power \( +1.25 \text{D} \). The lens is sufficiently powerful to converge this light. However, if we move the object closer (by clicking and dragging it) there comes a point when the light leaving the lens is diverging. When this happens, the virtual image created is shown in yellow. The virtual image created by a positive lens is always further away than the object.

There are two differences between the virtual image created by a positive lens and the virtual image created by a negative lens:

Figure 8. The image shows what you would see when you looked through a positive lens that is creating a virtual image. Inside the lens, a larger virtual image of the letters is visible.

The Uses of Virtual Images.

Real images, the kind that we talked about in Chapter 1, are obviously useful. The eye creates a real image of the world on the retina, which is then transmitted to the brain. A camera creates a real image of the world on a CCD or CMOS sensor, which is then stored as an image in memory. Cinema projectors create a real image of the movie data (or film) on a large screen.

What about virtual images? It might seem that virtual images, given that they don't physically exist, are not as useful. However, there are two important uses for virtual images:


Now that you've read this chapter, you can do a self-test

  1. Note that when the power \( F \) is negative, we don't write it as \( -F \). You can think of \( F \) as a box into which we can put any number. Sometimes the number we put in the box is positive, and sometimes it is negative. But either way, the box itself (which we labelled \( F \)) isn't changed.  ↩
  2. The symbol \( -F \) doesn't mean that \( F \) is negative. It means that whatever value \( F \) has, you take the negative of it.  ↩