Virtual Optic Bench


A menu of positive lenses to add to the optic bench. (Click again to hide the menu.)
A menu of negative lenses to add to the optic bench. (Click again to hide the menu.)
Add an image screen to the optic bench.
Add a mirror to the optic bench.
Remove mode. When clicked it turns red (active). The next object you click is removed and the button returns to normal. If you click the background, the button returns to normal.(The lightbulb can't be removed.)
Info mode. When clicked it turns red (active). When you click or tap an object it shows the object's position in a dialog. The position can be changed in the dialog, for precise positioning. If you click the background, the button returns to normal.
Zoom in
Zoom out
Unlock position. When clicked it turns red (active). When you click or tap an object the object can now be moved vertically as well as horizontally..
Copy an encoded version of the optic bench to the clipboard (for assignments).May not work on some computers.