Chapter 7

Mirrors & Reflection

When light hits an object, it does one of three things: it passes through it, it gets absorbed, or it gets reflected - that is, the light ray "bounces off" the object. There are two ways light can be reflected. One is diffuse reflection, which means the reflected photons bounce off the object in random directions (see Chapter 1). The other is specular reflection, which means all the light rays bounce of in a particular direction ( Figure 1).

Figure 1. The two sorts of reflection are diffuse and specular. On the left, a beam of parallel rays hits a diffusely reflecting surface. Each ray is reflected in a different, essentially random, direction. On the right, a beam of parallel rays hits a specular surface. Each ray is reflected in the same direction.

When specular reflection occurs, the light bounces off the surface with exactly the same angle as it hit the surface, much like a ball bouncing off a hard floor. Specular reflection obeys a simple law: the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. The angles of reflection and incidence are usually measured from the surface normal (just like refraction), but for flat surfaces they can also be measured from the surface (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. A mirror is often drawn as a straight line with cross-hatching on the nonreflective side, as here. The law of reflection says that the angle of incidence \( \theta \) equals the angle of reflection \( \theta^\prime \) (measured between the surface normal and the rays) are equal. When the mirror is flat, \( \theta = 90-\alpha \) and \( \theta^\prime = 90 - \alpha^\prime \), so we also have \( \alpha = \alpha^\prime \) for a flat mirror.

The fact that the most specular reflective substances are metals is no coincidence. Metals have plenty of "free" electrons; that is, electrons that are free to move around in the metal. When photons of light are absorbed by a smooth metal surface, their energy causes the free electrons in the surface to move. The moving electrons generate an electrical field which creates new photons. These photons have the same velocity parallel to the metal surface as the original absorbed photons, but a reversed velocity perpendicular to it.

Virtual images in Plane (flat) Mirrors.

When we see a reflection in a mirror, what we’re really looking at is a virtual image. The virtual image is the same size as the object, and is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it. ( Figure 3)

Figure 3. On the left a divergent point source sends rays towards a mirror (the vertical white line in the middle). The rays are reflected according to the law of reflection. We can create virtual rays from the reflected rays (click the checkbox to see them). The point where the virtual rays seem to come from is a virtual image of the point source - a reflection.

The virtual image is the same distance from the mirror as the object. Figure 4(a) shows two rays from Figure 3 leaving a point P, and their virtual rays appearing to come from a point B. The angles of incidence and reflection have been drawn in where the two rays hit the mirror. From this, we have

\[ \begin{array}{} \alpha &= \alpha^\prime \\ \beta &= \beta^\prime \end{array} \]

Figure 4(b) shows the opposite angles \( \alpha^{\prime\prime} \) and \( \beta^{\prime\prime} \) , which are equal to \( \alpha^\prime \) and \( \beta^\prime \). From the above two equations, that means

\[ \begin{array}{} \alpha &= \alpha^{\prime\prime} \\ \beta &= \beta^{\prime\prime} \end{array} \]
Figure 4(a). Steps to prove that the virtual image point B is the same distance from the mirror as the point P. From the law of reflection, the angles \( \alpha \) and \( \alpha^\prime \) are equal. So are the angles \( \beta \) and \( \beta^\prime \)
Figure 4(b). The complementary angles \( \alpha^\prime \) and \( \alpha^{\prime\prime} \) are the same, and \( \beta^\prime \) and \( \beta^{\prime\prime} \) are also the same.
Figure 4(c). The angles \( \gamma \) and \( \gamma^{\prime\prime} \) are also the same, because they are supplementary to \( \beta^\prime \) and \( \beta^{\prime\prime} \).
Figure 4(d). Finally, that means the two shaded triangles are similar, because they have two interior angles ( \( \alpha, \gamma \) and \( \alpha^{\prime\prime}, \gamma^{\prime\prime} \)) the same. Furthermore, they share one side - the side that is on the mirror. That means that they are not just similar, but actually the same size. From that, it follows that B must be the same distance from the mirror as P.

Figure 4(c) shows the "supplementary" angles \( \gamma \) and \( \gamma^{\prime\prime} \). Since \( \gamma=180-\beta \) and \( \gamma^{\prime\prime}=180-\beta^{\prime\prime} \), we have

\[ \gamma = \gamma^{\prime\prime} \]

Finally, Figure 4(d) highlights two triangles. Both triangles have two angles the same ( \( \alpha, \gamma \) and \( \alpha^{\prime\prime}, \gamma^{\prime\prime} \) ). Also, both triangles share a common side (the part of the mirror between where the two rays hit), so that means both triangles are exactly the same size. If they are exactly the same size, that means the distance from P to the triangle's base is the same as the distance from B to the triangle's base. Thus P and B are equally far from the mirror.

Curved mirrors.

Curved mirrors can be used to focus light in much the same way as a lens does. In fact, for some applications such as astronomical telescopes, curved mirrors are far better than lenses. Spherical curved mirrors have a surface which is a small slice of a sphere. There are two types of spherical mirrors: convex, where the centre of the mirror pushes outwards, and concave, where it is pushed inwards. Convex mirrors diverge light and create a virtual image. Concave mirrors converge light and usually create real images ( Figure 5).

Figure 5. Curved mirrors can be either convex (top image) or concave (bottom image). Convex mirrors diverge the light and form an upright virtual image behind the mirror. Concave mirrors converge the light and usually form an inverted real image in front of the mirror.

Focal Length of Spherical Mirrors.

Recall that the focal length of a lens is either

Similar definitions apply to mirrors: the focal length of a mirror is the distance from mirror to image when parallel light enters the mirror and is reflected to form the image, or the distance from mirror to object when light from the object is reflected from the mirror to leave it in parallel.

There is a very simple relationship between the focal length of a spherical mirror and the radius of the spherical mirror, which we shall derive with the help of Figure 6. Figure 6(a) shows a ray of light, parallel to the optic axis (which is the horizontal dotted line through \( C \)), striking a concave mirror at some point \( R \) and being reflected to the focal point \( F \) . All such parallel rays get reflected to the same place \( F \) because, as we will see below, the height of the ray above the optic axis is irrelevant. The centre of the spherical mirror surface is at \( C \).

Figure 6 (a). Working out the focal length of a concave mirror. Only one ray (in blue) is shown coming in horizontally and reflecting off the mirror. This ray travels to the focal point of the mirror \( F \). The centre of the mirror is at \( C \), and the radius of the mirror is \( r \).
Figure 6 (b). The angle betwen the dotted line from C to R is \( \alpha \). If the height of R above the optic axis is \( h \), then the tangent of the angle \( \alpha \) is approximately \( \tan{\alpha}\approx h/r \). (This is only roughly true if \( h \) and so \( \alpha \) is small)
Figure 6 (c). The two angles marked here are alternating angles, so they are both the same and equal to \( \alpha \).
Figure 6 (d). The dotted line from C to R is a radial line of the circle, so it hits the circle at \( 90^o \). That is, it is a surface normal to the circle at R. That means, byt the law of reflection, that the angles between the dotted line and the rays are the same.
Figure 6 (e). The angle between the incoming and reflected ray is \( 2\alpha \). This is also the angle between the reflected ray and the horizontal axis at the focal point F, because they are alternating angles.
Figure 6 (f). The tangent of the angle \( 2\alpha \) is approximately \( \tan{2\alpha}\approx h/f \) , where \( f \) is the focal length: the distance from the mirror to the focal point F.

We can show that the focal length of a spherical mirror is half the radius by the following steps (which use the figure above):

Step Statement Reason
1 \( \tan(\alpha)\approx h/r \) From Figure 6(b)
2 \( \alpha\approx h/r \) \( \alpha \) is small, so use the
small angle approximation
3 \( \tan(2\alpha)\approx h/f \) From Figure 6(f)
4 \( 2\alpha\approx h/f \) Small angle approximation
5 \( 2(h/r)\approx h/f \) Substitute \( \alpha \) from step (2) into step (4)
6 \( 2(1/r)\approx 1/f \) Divide both sides by \( r \)
7 \( 2 = r/f \) Multiply both sides by \( r \)
8 \( 2f = r \) Multiply both sides by \( f \)
9 \( f = r/2 \) Divide by 2

Thus, the focal length \( f \) of a spherical mirror is \( r/2 \), half the radius. So the power of a spherical mirror is \( F=1/f=2/r \).

What does the sign convention say about the sign of \( f \) ? The focal length \( f \) is measured from the mirror surface to the mirror’s centre, which is a leftward direction. The focal point of this mirror is created by light that has reflected off the mirror and is also travelling leftwards. So the focal length for the mirror in Figure6, measured from the mirror towards the focal point, is in the direction that the reflected light travels, and so it has to be positive. The upshot of this is that the mirror has a positive power \( F \), which makes sense since it converges light.

All of this is pretty involved, so it's easiest just to remember that concave (converging) mirrors have positive power.

The algebra for working out the focal length of a convex mirror is very similar to the above, and the power of a convex mirror is again \( f=r/2 \). However, the power of a convex mirror is negative, because it diverges light.

The “Thin Lens” Equation for Mirrors.

Curved mirrors create images in a similar way to lenses, by changing the vergence of the light hitting it. Unlike lenses, mirrors also reverse the direction of the light. This change in direction means that we can’t apply a single sign convention to the entire image calculation like we do when using lenses, because the light changes direction half way through.

There are equations for curved mirrors that look like the thin lens equation, but because of the sign convention they are tricky to use, and you are prone to making mistakes about whether the image is to the left or right of the mirror.

When calculating the position of an image formed by a mirror, then, the best approach is as follows:

A few examples should clarify this advice:

Example 1

An object is placed 75cm to the left of a concave mirror with power \( +5D \). Where does the image form?


Example 2

An object is placed 0.5m to the left of a convex mirror with power \( -4\text{D} \). Where does the image form?
